Friday, August 10, 2007

Di-Di Mei-Mei, Meet Stick Figure Jesus

More and more, Andrew has been asking about his sibling-to-be, including him or her in his bedtime prayers of his own volition. Over lunch today, we were talking about all the things he could teach Di-Di Mei-Mei ("Little Brother or Little Sister", as we've taken to calling the child).

"You could teach him all the different names of construction trucks."
"You could teach him not to eat the marbles that came with your birthday present."
"You could teach him not to drink the poisonous stuff in the cabinet below the kitchen sink."
"You could teach him about Jesus."

The last suggestion was apparently enough to inspire him.

Now just when I was beginning to despair of Andrew ever showing interest in using any sort of writing implement, seemingly overnight, he has taken to drawing rough stick figures of whatever strikes his fancy (lately superheroes.) Following our conversation, he decided to illustrate memorable scenes from the Bible for Di-Di Mei-Mei.

There were the standards: a resurrected Jesus next to a big rock, Daniel in the lions' den, Adam and Eve being tempted by a tightly coiled, blue snake. And then there were some that made me wonder just why they would especially embed themselves in the memory of a 4 year-old boy - Rahab and the spies, the plagues of flies and frogs upon the Egyptians, Jesus changing water into wine.

At any rate, I was both bemused and touched Andrew's efforts. Like every human being, our child is going to one day make the choice as to what to believe about God. It goes without saying that we will love him regardless of what he or she chooses. Still, Craig and I will make every effort to share with him or her the great hope we have personally found in Jesus Christ in every way possible. We pray that our child would share in the joy of knowing this Savior that has our souls' need in a way that the best of relationships, money, worldly success could never. Of course it's remarkably un-politically correct. But having found something so good, why would we hold back? I don't know if Andrew shares this conviction yet, but if drawing a picture of a bald Jesus lacking a torso, hands, and feet will bring both him and his new brother or sister one step closer to this faith, I'm in full support.


TaiwanMommy said...

Waah! That's so sweet it made me cry! Big hugs to your little guy. What a great big brother he will be. I'm sure Jesus finds that portrait VERY flattering, as it was drawn with love!


JEff said...

What an excellent artist! We pray the same thing for our little guy! We're going to get him Friday (in 1 week!).