Tuesday, March 25, 2008


You might have noticed that someone has been posting replies to our blog with a comment that reads, "See here and here."

Please do yourself a big favor and don't see there or there. Don't click on the links. I fear that you could unleash a nasty virus on your computer or inadvertently end up opening up some inappropriate content that will burn itself into the backs of your eyelids, never to be erased no matter how much you try.

With the exception of this person (or persons), we've really appreciated everyone's comments to our posts. They've brought us a good deal of encouragement as we've engaged in our adoption journey. However, because I fear what these spammish comments could do, I'm going to start moderating responses. They'll still appear, just with a delay so I can screen out Mr./Mrs. "See Here and Here."

Thanks for your understanding.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I've had Sir Spam a Lot spam me once or twice too. I always hope to be able to delete them ASAP.