Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I found them! I found the Baby Mum Mums!

Some of you have no idea what I'm talking about and may think I've gone off my rocker. Those of you who are adopting may recognize Mum Mums as the famous "Surfboard Crackers" that the babies at St. Lucy's and elsewhere are sometimes given to teethe on.

Rumor has it that they're sold at WalMart. I checked our local store and nada. This afternoon, I was delighted to stumble upon them at Whole Foods while investigating rice cereal and oatmeal options for William.

If you look carefully at the upper left hand corner, you'll note that they're manufactured by a company called "Hot Kid." Eh??? I have half a mind to send in the picture to engrish.com, a website that takes a light-hearted poke at signs and products from Asia that are, well, well-intentioned. Here are a few examples from their website that had me chuckling:

If I think this is funny, I can't help but wonder what verbal faux-pas I'm bound to commit when using my Chinese-school-dropout Mandarin at St. Lucy's. If I see the staff tearing up and doubling over, I can guarantee you it won't be because I forgot to zip my pants.

Well, knowing myself, it might be.


mly95014 said...

THANK YOU JUDY!!! for doing the heavy investigative work to find the (in)famous Surf Crackers. I will be hitting our local Whole Foods right away.


Our Family said...

Good to know! We brought home an half a suitcase of surfboard crackers since they last awhile and Samantha "needs" them sometimes! She got so excited the first time she got ahold of a package it was like she was going to explode with joy!!!

Btw I'm 99% sure I saw your baby at SLC! I'm sure he was playing with a small group on the mat while we were touring. Funnily enough I recognized most of the babies! I guess I look at too many blogs.


Sarah said...

Heehee. Kevin and I love the Engrish website too. I've found surfboard crackers at my local Walmart too.

Cindy said...

Hey Judy -

I was just checking for items on amazon.com and came across the Baby Mum Mums there, too. Here's the link to the "Hot Kid" page...


Love all of these tips - I am taking notes!
