Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Get Your Move On

Craig and I have a bet going: he believes William will be walking by his first birthday. Given his slight motor delays and his overrall contentment to observe from a distance rather than be constantly hands-on, I beg to differ. I am guessing we won't see him walking - fully walking, not just taking a few faltering steps, then reverting to a crawl - until he's about 15 or 16 months old.

Unfortunately for me, Craig may be closer to winning the bet. These past two weeks have seen tremendous growth in William's mobility. He can now maneuver himself into a sitting position from lying down. His inability to do so before was one of the things that prompted the occupational therapist to categorize him as slightly delayed.

He has also started crawling in the traditional position on all fours. It's still a slow, sticky crawl (you can see for yourself in the video below), but he's definitely on the prowl. Baby gate, work your magic!

Finally, William has started pulling himself up to a standing position. I'm guessing he doesn't have the muscle strength in his arms and torso to do this well so he doesn't try very often. However, his legs are quite strong. He can balance himself upright with little support from us once he does manage to get up.

I know many people say that we shouldn't look forward to the day when he walks because all havoc will break loose. However, I don't half mind if it means my arms won't be so tired from schlepping him around. Tomorrow, William has his 9 month-old pediatrician appointment and I would not be surprised at all if he weighed in at least 24 pounds.

In the meantime, we have a baby on the go. Bravo, William!


Yvonne Crawford said...

My daughter didn't walk until 14 months - it's normal. Don't worry. :-) And I like it once they walk, they get so happy with themselves. :0) One day you won't be expecting it, then boom, they are walking so special!

Amy from Occupation: Mommy said...

He's on the move!

Sydney started walking a month ago, and it has been nice to not have to carry her around quite so much. She doesn't way anywhere near 24 pounds, so I can't even imagine how tired your arms and back must get!

Daisy said...

Once they start crawling they are into everything anyway, so it's actually EASIER when they start walking. Especially in the summer, when they crawl around outside and get completely filthy. I am hoping that Kaelin will figure it out soon.