Here's the bad news: We were reassigned to another ICPC case worker, who immediately emailed me to inform us that our Pennsylvania Criminal Background Clearance and Child Abuse History Clearance were expired - by one week!!! Apparently, they're only good for one year. If we did not have to satisfy ICPC regulations, we would not have needed to renew them.
Here's the ugly: We've now got to scramble to fill out the relevant applications, purchase the concomitant money orders, write cover letters begging for expedited processing, and overnight all of these things to the two offices. In the best case scenario, they'll process our forms quickly and get them to our contact in Harrisburg, who will then promptly issue a compliance letter on our behalves and send said letter to us prior to our travel in 15 days. I don't even want to think about the worst case scenario.
To top all that off, we just learned today that Craig's distant uncle, Walter, suffered several seizures last night and passed away in a hospital in New Mexico. Our thoughts are with his dear wife, Fran, and their children.
In addition, my eldest sister, Even/Diane, continues to be relentless in her gift-giving. Today, we received a box full of gifts including Mustela baby products, an Avent steam sterilizer for bottles, a bottle warmer, and a Taggies soft-cover baby book. She also sent us a Phil and Ted's Metro backpack baby carrier, which is by far the coolest and most comfortable thing I've ever come across. I can't wait to pop William in it and go for a walk, chuckling in retrospect at all the silly flaming hoops we had to jump through just to bring him home.
I don't even remember if I commented on your last post when I saw it the other day. Maybe I was too shocked and didn't have the words, but i know I read it. I know that God's plan and perfect timing will prevail- no matter what horribleness it seems to be right now. I can't wait to see William in the carrier- and hear of how badly your back hurts aftward... waht a cute chunk he is!!! (our last one was a chunk, so I mean it in the most, yummy, flattering way possible!)
waiting for referral
I second Tisra's post. I was thinking the same thing... a month from know we'll be hearing about your back strains from lugging William around in the carrier all day long.
I tell ya, you've got a great writing "voice." Surely whoever reads the letters begging to be expidited will rush things along. Oh, here's another idea! Slip in cute photos of baby William with the begging letter!
oh I like Sarah's idea. ;)
I'm sorry about all of this happening - it sounds so stressful. Hang in there - you'll have him soon
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