Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lucy, Come Home!

After getting matched with their child, it's anyone's guess as to how long a family must wait before receiving a travel date to bring their child home.

If you hit the jackpot as we did, you'll wait under two months. If you're like most families, it might take 4-6 months. If, for some incomprehensible, frustrating reason, you're like Jackie's family, you'll wait 6 months after getting matched and still be waiting to have your case logged into the courts, facing several months' wait after that.

Having seen their daughter, Lucy, at St. Lucy's when we picked up William, I can tell you she is the very definition of precious. Take a look at the piece above. Lucy's talented dad wrote and performed the song and edited the video.

After seeing the video, I think you'll also be moved to send up a prayer to bring Lucy home immediately.


Yvonne Crawford said...

Strange isn't it? The difference in time to process court cases?

Daisy said...

she looks so sweet. I can't imagine how hard that must be!