Thursday, June 19, 2008

William's Favorite Things / 11 Months Old

Taking my cue from Ms. Winfrey, I now present you with a list of William's favorite things, current as of his 11 month-old birthday today.

1. Dogs. The boy is fearless around dogs and will throw himself at any canine passing by. A mere picture of a dog is enough to get him excited. Case in point: in an attempt to keep him amused and quiet during church, I let him play with my cell phone, which has a generic screen saver with different animals. Bad move. As soon as the image of a dog flashed by, he let out a loud, happy screech.

2. Music. He especially loves the CDs of children's music we purchased at the Eslite bookstore in Taipei. (Incidentally, I've noticed an uncanny number of songs feature lyrics about going to school, studying hard, and doing homework. Perhaps American kids' music needs to take a cue?)

3. Water. Swimming lessons are now over and all his fellow classmates and parents are probably glad. They had to give William and his propeller-like arms a very, very wide berth.

4. Eating. We thank God for a willing eater who will sample anything from sauteed mushrooms and herbed beans to carpet fuzz and miniscule bits of dried Play-Doh fallen on the floor. I keep a reasonably clean house but still find that I have to fish random objects of his mouth at least 3 times a day.

5. Books. My earlier concerns about his not being able to focus while I read to him have abated. He often crawls over to the shelf where his books are kept, pulls them down, and tries to look at them. His current favorite? Books with peekaboo flaps and - surprise! Anything with dogs.

6. Anything with which Andrew is playing. Big brother just can't understand why William is so... well, grabby.

7. Brushing teeth. William is entranced when watching others brush their teeth. He also loves to have his 9 chompers scrubbed with a fingertip toothbrush. Woe to the brusher, though. It's as risky a proposition as trying to stick your finger in a shark's mouth. It's a miracle I still have an index finger.

8. People. Chances are quite good that William will be an extrovert. He certainly seems to enjoy people and frequently tries to engage their attention with a big grin. If strangers aren't commenting on what a chunky baby he is, they are remarking about what a happy baby he appears to be.

9. "Walking" with assistance. I think it will still be a few more months before William walks unassisted, but in the meantime, he is so proud of himself when he puts one foot in front of the other and motors along holding our hands. You should hear the "Yaaaaay!" he sends up and the ovation he gives himself afterwards. We're still working on the humble thing.

10. When Daddy comes home from work. Why don't I elicit smiles like these? Their brilliance could blind anyone.

Happy 11 months, little man. May your next month of life bring you continued delight in all of your favorite things.


Tisra said...

Awwwwww..... Lovely!

Sarah said...

Sedona the babydog wants to leave a comment: Woof woof! Woof woof woof!

If you need a translation, that's shih-tzu for "Hi, William! I'm glad you like dogs. I like to lick people. I think we'd have fun together. Do you like ice cream? I do."

Uh... I can't believe I'm writing this. Oh well, it's Sedona, not me, right...

Rebecca Lily said...

Well, he sounds like he is just doing fabulous. If he loves dogs, people, food & music, he has got it down. He's set for life. :)


Mel said...'re little man is growing like crazy! I'm amazed at how 3 months can "age" them!

I also have to tell you - one of my nicknames for Odin is "Grabby McGrabberson" because he just HAS to reach out to everything! I guess he passed off his bad habits to William...sorry 'bout that!